Tuesday, April 3, 2012

currently ~ april

I'm linking up with Farley for her April Currently link party. 

We like Myth Busters around here...plus a thousand other shows. 

I'm on spring break right now. I've spent the entire day in my jammies.  Yesterday too.  Don't be jealous.

I love ice cream. 'Nuff said.

I'm s.t.i.l.l. working on the yearbook for school. It's taking longer than I planned. I'm bored of it now. Since abandoning this project is not really an option, I am soldiering on. I might be having an attitude about it right now. 

I might need a second week of spring break. When we go back to school we are having a "blitz" to prepare for state testing. This is new since I was in 4th grade last. I'm not so sure about it. Then there will be the big, scary test. Hmpf!

Ah, the super powers! Since we are picking super powers, I picked two. First, I'd like to have a cloak of invisibility to, you know, be the proverbial fly on the wall. I'm more than a little nosy & like to know what's going on, so this is perfect! I'm also giving myself a magic wand to wave around to get things done. Messy house? Done! Messy desk at school? Done! Finishing a yearbook? Done! 



oh' boy said...

love the magic wand thing... well anything that sparkles is good for me THANKS for linking up!!!

Courtney said...

hi! I'm your newest follower! :) Head to my blog to check it out!! We're very close in grade levels and I'm looking forward to learning from you!!

Teaching in Paradise